Floral Workshop

 May be an image of ‎text that says "‎TheManor COUNTRYHOUSE_HOTEL COUNTRY HOUSE HOTEL The May floral wor rkshop and afternoon Tea At The Manor Country House Hotel, Weston on-the Green, Northampton Rd, Oxfor dshire, 0X25 3QL Sanda Sanday29 29th May 1pM E55per person This wo derful practical workshop will include an in depth floral teacup demonst ation by Steve sumptuous afternoon tea in the rning Room at the Manor To book contact: The Manor: event@themanorweston.com 01869 350 621 Steve: flowersdesignedbysteve.co.uk 07929 611 553 .FLOWERS مي Desigaedby Steve‎"‎

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